What do humans eat and how do they get it?

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What do humans eat and how do they get it? von Mind Map: What do humans eat and how do they get it?

1. Modern humans

1.1. transportation

1.1.1. food production from farm to table

1.2. multiple steps before consumers receive food products

1.2.1. urban

1.3. diets/fads/ conscious consumer

1.3.1. they look at the past

1.3.2. fast foods and time monochronic/polychronic

2. cultures do things differently

2.1. subsistence strategies

2.1.1. hunter/gathers= foragers

2.1.2. horticulture permaculture hydroponics

2.1.3. agriculture monoculture

2.1.4. pastoralism animal husbandry cows and sheep - meat/milk/cheese goats, camels, - milk --

2.1.5. industrialized systems

2.2. minimum death toll

2.2.1. hunt as needed -- not for fun or for maximums

3. geographical location

3.1. EU/USA

3.2. other environmental changes

3.3. climate change

3.3.1. droughts

3.3.2. seasonal change

4. social class access to food products

5. religion

5.1. restrictions

6. science/tech

6.1. altering chemicals to produce superfood

6.1.1. zero airmiles

6.2. businesses and big 10 (shout out to Danielle)