Sitting and Sustainable Bodies

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Sitting and Sustainable Bodies von Mind Map: Sitting and Sustainable Bodies

1. Precedents

1.1. Digital technology

1.1.1. Issues Relegating to machine Externalising attention, rather than internalising

2. Individual body

2.1. social history

2.2. body structure

2.2.1. anti-gravity muscles

2.3. develops habits

2.3.1. continue into other contexts

2.4. intelligent

2.5. health of organs (Cranz)

3. Somatics

3.1. proprioception

3.2. kinaesthetic awareness

3.2.1. re-awaken kinaesthetic sense

3.2.2. a skill

3.3. micro-movement practice

3.4. listen to body

4. Feldenkrais

4.1. ideal posture or acture

4.2. maturation is listening to internal authority rather than the external authority

4.3. function

4.4. dynamic posture

5. Vision

5.1. Achieve human movement potential

5.2. Transform workplace practice

5.3. Clarity of thought, creativity, productivity

6. Ergonomics

6.1. body adapts/moulds to environment

6.2. personal ergonomics

6.3. ideal, static postures

7. culture

7.1. movement-inhibited

7.2. highly regulated

8. Sitting easy

8.1. audio recordings by Margie Kaye

8.2. work best

8.2.1. comfort

8.2.2. efficient

9. Qualities

9.1. pleasurable, feels good

9.2. ease, effortless, flow

9.3. fun, play

9.4. exploratory