Activity 1: Planning for Learning- Jennifer Ashton

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Activity 1: Planning for Learning- Jennifer Ashton von Mind Map: Activity 1: Planning for Learning- Jennifer Ashton

1. Objectives

1.1. Students should be challenged and asked questions that will encourage them to refer back to what they’ve read. ;should emphasize critical-thinking, problem-solving, ;Should compare students achievement, by showing growth - By the end of the unit, students should be able to determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text

1.2. Strategies that will be used related to the Objectives Using Clear Instruction (directions will be presented clear, and simplified) Having Classroom Discussion (helps students to interact with one another) Providing Feedback to students (provides room for growth) Formative Assessments (helps to create data)

2. The Big Ideas

2.1. Clear, Understandable, and Consistent: An academic leader must be able to set the direction, create a sense of shared purpose and guide different behaviors. Evidence-based-Standards become more relevant based on previous results. Research based activities related to the standards, help to show what made the standard beneficial, and how there can be a need for a change in the standard. Evidence from students (such as test scores), help to create data.

2.2. Key Factors: Students have different kinds of disabilities. It is very important to identify the goals in the students IEPS, in order to determine the types of materials/resources that will be necessary in order to accommodate each student (for the required lesson).

3. Subject and Grade Level:

3.1. I chose to focus on the two standards, because they both can be relevant towards any subject matter. The grade level for these standards is aimed towards all grade levels starting with Pre-Kindergarten up until the 12th grade.

3.2. The standards also focus on students graduating from high school, and hope to prepare them for any possible programs after graduation (Example: work training, college, etc.). In order for the Common Core Standards to be incorporated correctly, it takes an entire academic team (such as: Administrators, Teachers and Educational Employees), to understand the needs of students, and to follow the guidelines of the standards correctly.

4. Two Standards

4.1. Lessons must be Clear, Understandable, and Consistent

4.2. Lessons must Evidence-based.