Searching the Web

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Searching the Web von Mind Map: Searching the Web

1. Subject trees

1.1. Choose subject area

1.1.1. Sports Team sports Individual sports

1.1.2. Informatics Hardware Software

1.2. The most used

1.2.1. Yahoo!

1.2.2. Open Directory

2. Intelligent agents

2.1. Tasks

2.1.1. Gathers information

2.1.2. Perform repetive tasks

2.1.3. Remember forgotten things

2.1.4. Summarize complex data

2.2. The most popular one

2.2.1. Copernic

2.2.2. BotSpot

2.2.3. MobileWare

3. Search engines

3.1. Search for information

3.1.1. Keyword

3.2. Result

3.2.1. Web documents

3.2.2. Short description

3.2.3. URL adress

3.3. The most popular

3.3.1. Google


3.3.3. Bing

4. Metasearch engines

4.1. Use another search engine's data

4.1.1. Produce own results

4.2. The most popular

4.2.1. WebCrawler

4.2.2. Dogpile

4.2.3. Yippy