AGENDAS: Attending meetings

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AGENDAS: Attending meetings von Mind Map: AGENDAS: Attending meetings

1. the sentences that mean the same

1.1. what are we going to discuss in the meeting?

1.1.1. what's on the agenda?

1.2. i sent the agenda to everyone last Friday

1.2.1. i circulated the agenda last Friday

1.3. i wasn't at the last meeting

1.3.1. i didn't attend the last meeting

1.4. John's sorry but he can't come

1.4.1. John sends his apologies

1.5. why have they arranged a meeting?

1.5.1. why are they holding a meeting?

1.6. let's look at the first point on the agenda

1.6.1. let's look at the first item on the agenda

2. time clauses

2.1. the form:

2.1.1. I'll + verb + time phrase + present simple example: I'll contact you when I get home We'll prepare the plan before the meeting stars We'll be very busy until the project is finished