Digital tools to increase academic success for the adult learner.

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Digital tools to increase academic success for the adult learner. von Mind Map: Digital tools to increase academic  success for the adult learner.

1. A. How will adult learners adjust their habits to new styles using electronic devices they wouldn't use in a classroom environment?

2. B. Online learning opens the door to new mediums to aid in the success of completing school work on the go, but does it work for most students?

3. C. Quality vs. Quantity: does quality hinder your education now that you use various devices to tap in to school work everywhere?

4. I will conclude all of my test theory examples along with my personal approach towards IT learning in my research and why I think this is only the beginning of tech devices and the use technology in the classroom.

5. Students tested on a quality vs. quantity based scale, showed more attraction, positive attitudes, along with high test scores while using tech devices.

6. Students, even at elementary levels are able to acquire an impressive level of skills to understand a greater degree of school work. and becoming more untethered.

7. Students who had a positive attitude towards technology were able to develop a more strategic way of studying