Comprehension of Mathematical Text

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Comprehension of Mathematical Text von Mind Map: Comprehension of Mathematical Text

1. 1. The inability to comprehend the text could result in not understanding the concept

1.1. Why people may not understand the text

1.1.1. list of people who might better understand what they are reading

2. 2. If one can not read the text, one may not be able to properly transcribe their answer.

2.1. scenario of what could happen when not understanding the question

3. Initial Paragraph- My opinion on the importance of reading comprehension in mathematics.

4. 4. Summary of paper

4.1. Compare the previous paragraphs

5. Resources


5.1.1. Article written by Mark Freitag who is a doctoral student in mathematics education at the University of Georgia.


5.2.1. Webiste based articles built to help students with research and understand connections between education and technology


5.3.1. article published by Grant Wiggins. He is the President of Authentic Education in Hopewell NJ.


5.4.1. Paper published in A website used in the academic world to share research and points of view

6. 3. Resources/techniques to better understand the text

6.1. List of few techniques that can be used to understand the text better