Huckleberry Finn Chapters 8-11

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Huckleberry Finn Chapters 8-11 von Mind Map: Huckleberry Finn Chapters 8-11

1. chapter 10

1.1. What Comes of Handlin Snake Skin

1.2. "Its you. At last! aint it?"

1.3. Huck pranks Jim by killing a rattle snake and putting the skin on him, unfortunately the snakes mate comes and bites him. Huck feels bad and he help him heal. Jim still insists on bad luck.

2. chapter 11

2.1. Their After Us!

2.2. "What did you say your name was honey?"

2.3. Huck comes up with a story about his own murder. He makes his new name George Peters.

3. chapter 9

3.1. The House of death floats by

3.2. "Do not look at the body, its too gashly"

3.3. In chapter 9, Huck and Jim start to become good friends with each other. In this chapter when they find the dead body, Jim said to Huck, "Do not look at the body, its too gashly". Jim understood that Huck was just a kid. For a kid to see a dead body is very gruesome and it makes Jim feel like it is his responsibility as an adult, friend and father figure, to keep Huck from seeing it.

4. Chapter 8

4.1. I Spare Miss Watsons Jim

4.2. "Well, I believe you Huck. I - I Run off" - Jim

4.3. In this chapter everyone is Jim and Huck are heading off to the center of an island, here they find a cavern and have dinner. They start to form a mutal relationship.