How and why standardized testing is affecting teachers ethics and moral integrity

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How and why standardized testing is affecting teachers ethics and moral integrity von Mind Map: How and why standardized testing is affecting teachers ethics and moral integrity

1. Third thought bubble

1.1. Why Teachers choose to cheat

1.2. Bonus incentives

1.3. Feeling pressure from higher up administrators

1.4. Fear of being fired(reputation tarnished,loss of income)

2. Fourth thought bubble

2.1. Consequences of teachers cheating

2.2. Taken to court and convicted/sent to jal

2.3. school being put on probation(if test scores are continuously low they can dismiss or resign staff)

2.4. trust is lost by pupils, family, and community

3. Resources

3.1. Brumback,K.(2015) 11 Educators Convicted in Test Cheating Conspiracy. Retrieved from:

3.2. Campbell, E. (2003) Ethical Teacher. Retrieved from:

3.3. Jacob,B.A. and Levitt,S.D. (2003) Rotten Apples: An Investigation of the Prevelence and Predictors of Teacher Cheating. The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 118(3), p843-877 Retrieved from:

3.4. Phelps, R.P. (2011) Teach to Test? The Wilson Quarterly(Washngton), 35(4), p38-42. Retrieved from :

4. First thought bubble

4.1. Examples of Teachers caught cheating

4.2. Atlanta, Ga cheating scandal

4.3. Chicago Public Schools research and study

5. Intro

5.1. State teachers roles and responsibilities to their students

5.2. Code of Ethics/ Being Professional

5.3. Care and well being of students

6. Second thought bubble

6.1. How teachers are cheating

6.2. Modifying grades

6.3. Uses test questions to help students review

6.4. Allowing more time for test taking

6.5. Pointing out mismatched items