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Al is Guilty von Mind Map: Al is Guilty

1. Double homicide

1.1. Al killed two little pigs.

2. Al should also be charged on reckless endangerment.

2.1. If his sneezes have potential to blow down a house, he must be held responsible for his sneezes.

3. Also, if Al was truly sorry he should not have eaten the pigs.

3.1. Disrespectful wolf eating the deceased.

4. He destroyed two houses.

4.1. Therefore, charge him with destruction of property.

5. Two pigs were killed during the act.

5.1. Charge him with double homicide.

5.1.1. Destinations

6. Reckless Endangerment

6.1. If his sneeze has potential to blow down a house then he must be responsible for the power of his sneezes. Therefore add a charge of reckless endangerment as well.