How Major League Baseball has changed from its founding to today.

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How Major League Baseball has changed from its founding to today. von Mind Map: How Major League Baseball has changed from its founding to today.

1. Rules

1.1. In 1880 the rule, “The base runner was out if hit by a batted ball,” was made.

1.2. In 1891 the rule, “Large padded mitts were allowed for catchers,” was made.

2. Logos

2.1. In 1901-1903 The Chicago white six were called the White Stockings and their logo was just a red

2.2. The Baltimore Orioles logo was just a Blue B and now its an orange oriole bird.

3. Teams

3.1. In 1869, baseball had its first professional club - the Cincinnati Red Stockings.

3.2. The Red Stockings' success encouraged the formation of other professional teams and eventually led to the establishment in 1871 of a new organization: the National Association of Professional Baseball Players.

4. Balls

4.1. When Baseball was first created there wasn't a regulation ball. Most of the time pitchers just made their own ball and a famous design was the lemon peel ball.

4.2. In the mid 1850's, ball clubs in the New York area elected to standardize the ball’s weight at 5.5-6 ounces and its circumference at somewhere between 8 and 11 inches, resulting in a larger, heavier, less lively ball.

5. Stadiums

5.1. The angels first game was in 1966 in that stadium.

5.2. Bostons first game in their stadium was 1912!

6. World Series

6.1. In 1950 the Yankees won the World series over the Phillies.

6.2. In 1972 the Athletics won the World Series over the Cincinnati Reds.

7. Allstar Games

7.1. The 14th Allstar game was play at Wrigley Field in 1947.

7.2. The 21st Allstar game was played at Municipal Stadium in 1954.