Learning from 2015

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Learning from 2015 von Mind Map: Learning from 2015

1. Escape the echo chamber

1.1. Hard to escape need for social validation

1.2. People want certainty. Hard not to give it to them.

1.2.1. McKinsey magic potions

1.3. Think smaller. Solve a real problem start to finish.

1.3.1. Level of abstraction often ridiculous Rheumatoid arthritis (real world) vs. "basic services" (development people)

2. Cautious about fads

2.1. Which are the questions that matter?

2.1.1. Finding policy windows to jump through Picking up pennies in front of a bulldozer Kingdon's policy streams, illustrated with jelly beans

2.2. We just don't have the evidence

2.2.1. Parody video of "adaptive" programming

2.3. Effective working time is so scarce

2.3.1. Corporate needs sucking up 80%+ of the oxygen, even in agile little organisations.

3. Find my part of the circus

3.1. Fail fast & with confidence

3.1.1. Enabling personal conditions The three Fs : friends, family, fitness

3.1.2. "Pilots" always felt risky, but they were right Work the process, and believe in it.

3.1.3. Am I adopting the three-legged dogs?

3.1.4. Am I a squirrel gathering shiny things? Check in with values frequently

3.2. Hard to identify the criteria for "right" work

4. Conflict / fragility

5. Red is theme; yellow boxes are first agenda items (post-its); white are comments; blue are stories.