Optimize your time as a student

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Optimize your time as a student von Mind Map: Optimize your time as a student

1. Plan ahead

1.1. Find a workspace

1.1.1. Have access to supplys and references

1.1.2. Away from distractions

1.1.3. Wifi or hotspot

1.1.4. Near a computer or laptop Convenience of mobility

1.2. Utilize online calendars and post boards

1.2.1. Use multiple claenders for school and personal

1.2.2. Mark ALL assignment deadlines and quiz due dates Be specific and particular about task

1.2.3. Make "mini" deadlines Short term goals generate to long term goals Push due outs earlier to allow for flexibility in unseen events.

1.3. Use smartphone

1.3.1. Set reminders or alarms

1.3.2. Keep "To do" lists

1.3.3. It is Always with you!

2. During Assignments

2.1. Pracitce notetaking

2.1.1. Rewrite or type notes

2.1.2. Cite as you go

2.1.3. Save all resources in one place

2.2. Reorganize for your understanding

2.2.1. Use online note book or binder

2.2.2. Reduce content to only relevant material

2.3. Save your work

2.3.1. Save often

2.3.2. Save multiple times

2.3.3. Save hardcopies Can be reviewed without computer access

2.3.4. Back up all digital work on external harddrives

2.4. Take Breaks

2.4.1. Helps regain focus

2.4.2. Acts as a reward

2.4.3. Use time to reflect and assess

3. Be Resourceful

3.1. Your school online resources

3.1.1. Library catalog

3.2. Use editing and plagiarism sites

3.3. Multimedia programs for presentation

3.3.1. Free and professional

3.3.2. Access presentation anywhere over internet

3.4. Make connections

4. Introduction points

4.1. Build on habits learned early

4.2. Extra time taken in the moment saves time long term

4.3. Aspire to learn and adapt

4.4. Can be used in online or "face to face" classroom

5. Summary

5.1. Time management will allow you to spend more time on final product instead of the process leading to it.

5.2. Use these habits in school, work, or personal life situation

5.3. Assess your habits and refine them

6. References

6.1. Brooks, K. (2012). 13 rules every college student needs to know. Career Transitions. Retrieved from https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/career-transitions/201208/13-rules-every-college-student-needs-know

6.2. ERIC. (1993). Retrieved from http://eric.ed.gov/?ti=Study+Skills

6.3. Sheehy, K. (2012) 4 time management tips for online students. U.S. News & World Report. Retrieved from http://www.usnews.com/education/online-education/articles/2012/01/13/4-time-management-tips-for-online-students

6.4. Yager, J. Time management for online learners. eLearners.com. Retrieved from http://www.elearners.com/online-education-resources/online-learning/time-management-for-online-learners/

6.5. Study Guide and Strategies. Time management. Time Management Series. Retrieved from http://www.studygs.net/timman.htm

6.6. Petroski H. (2008) Changing study habits. ASEE Prism. 17 (5), 24. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy2.apus.edu/docview/236219054?accountid=8289