Reasons to Attend Biggerplate Unplugged, New York (#BPUN16)

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Reasons to Attend Biggerplate Unplugged, New York (#BPUN16) von Mind Map: Reasons to Attend Biggerplate Unplugged, New York (#BPUN16)

1. Insights & Expertise

1.1. Brings together leading experts & influencers in the mind map community

1.2. Provides unrivalled look at whats new and what's coming in the mind map world!

2. Collaboration & Innovation

2.1. Catalyst for collaborations and partnerships between mind mappers

2.2. Delegates can share & discuss views & experiences in lively interactive sessions

3. Only Mind Map Conference

3.1. Biggerplate Unplugged is the only conference dedicated to mind mapping!

3.2. A great chance to turn online connections into real world collaborations

4. Only US Stop

4.1. This is the only chance to catch the conference in the USA in 2016!

5. Outstanding Speaking Agenda

5.1. Toni Krasnic

5.1.1. From Collection Dots to Connecting Dots

5.1.2. Toni is the founder of Concise Learning and author of "How to Study with Mind Maps"

5.2. Dr Pablo Buitron

5.2.1. Mind Mapping for Tomorrow's Doctors

5.2.2. Pablo is the co-founder of

5.3. Madeleine Philippe

5.3.1. Lifelong Thinking and Learning Skills for Tomorrow's Knowledge Workers

5.3.2. Madeleine has developed the concept of mantling and teaches at Ichec Management School and Université Saint-Louis in Brussels

5.4. Nora Herting

5.4.1. Visual Workshop: Draw Your Big Ideas

5.4.2. Nora is co-founder and principal at ImageThink

5.5. Stephanie Diamond

5.5.1. Developing Marketing Strategies Using Mind Maps

5.5.2. Stephanie is the author of "The Visual Marketing Revolution and provides advice for marketers at

5.6. Roger C Parker

5.6.1. Mind Mapping for Readers and Writers

5.6.2. Roger is author of more than 30 books, and shares tips and advice at Published & Profitable

5.7. Brian Sodl

5.7.1. Mind Mapping and the Knowledge Worker Journey

5.7.2. Brian is Director of Consulting Services at Navigator Management Partners

5.8. Larry Wolfe

5.8.1. Mind Mapping at Boeing: Getting Off the Ground

5.8.2. Larry is a Test Engineer at Boeing

6. For More Info and to Book...

6.1. ...and for a 10% discount, click the link (the arrow) in this topic

7. Location, Location, Location!

7.1. Join us in one of the most iconic cities in the world: New York!

7.2. Taking place at Civic Hall in the heart of Manhattan, the conference gives you the perfect excuse for a long weekend getaway in The Big Apple!