Money Always Talks

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Money Always Talks von Mind Map: Money Always Talks

1. Occassion

1.1. Answer

1.1.1. Summer, Gin Lane, New York

1.2. Quote(s) from the article that supports your claim

1.2.1. "At the tail end of the summer"

1.2.2. "we came to the mythic Gin Lane"

1.2.3. "Back in New York, where I live"

1.3. Explanation

1.3.1. The author talks about different settings throughout the article.

2. Action

2.1. Answer

2.1.1. The author lost her money

2.2. Quote(s) from the article that supports your claim

2.2.1. "Money — the majestic uses to which this money had been put — made us feel like nouveaux pauvres"

2.3. Explanation

2.3.1. The author lost her money making her feel as the new poor.

3. Points

3.1. Answer

3.1.1. Money isn't everything

3.2. Quote(s) from the article that support your claim

3.2.1. "The rich are different"

3.3. Explanation

3.3.1. Money defines a person.

4. Speaker

4.1. Answer

4.1.1. Daphne Merkin

4.2. Quote(s) from the article that supports your claim

4.2.1. "I"

4.3. Explanation

4.3.1. "I" indicates that this article is in first person.

5. Tone

5.1. Answer

5.1.1. Money doesn't matter.

5.2. Quote(s) from the article that supports your claim

5.2.1. "money isn’t everything"

5.3. Explanation

5.3.1. There is much more than just money.