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Bollywood von Mind Map: Bollywood

1. Emotions

1.1. Happy

1.2. Sad

1.3. Thrilling

2. Motions

2.1. Body Language

2.1.1. Swaying

2.1.2. Twirling

2.1.3. Fast or Slow

2.2. Facial Expressions

2.2.1. Licking Lips

2.2.2. Raising Eyebrows

2.2.3. Smiling

2.2.4. Frowning

3. Entertainment

3.1. Acting

3.2. Songs

3.2.1. Slow

3.2.2. Fast

3.3. Genres

3.3.1. Dramatic

3.3.2. Thrilling

3.3.3. Sorrow

3.3.4. Happy

4. Family

4.1. Loved Ones

4.2. Friends

4.3. Related by Blood

5. Masala Films

5.1. Sorrow

5.2. Drama

5.3. Action

5.4. Happy Endings

6. Gender

6.1. Females

6.1.1. Sacrifice

6.1.2. Devotion to Husband

6.1.3. Stay at home mom

6.2. Males

6.2.1. Head of the house

6.2.2. Makes all he Decisions