How can video production be used to support a second grade student's understanding of word proble...

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How can video production be used to support a second grade student's understanding of word problems involving dollar bills and/or coins? von Mind Map: How can video production be used to support a second grade student's understanding of word problems involving dollar bills and/or coins?

1. How can this be used for students at other grade levels?

2. How can we familiarize students with the video production program (iMovie)?

3. What other content areas can be used with video production?

4. Can different types of word problems be used with video production to benefit students?

5. How can teachers become more fluent with using iMovie?

6. Would this type of activity be most efficient with small groups? Individual? Partners? Whole group?

7. What types of scenarios can be used when filming videos about word problems involving money?

8. How else can students practice word problems using dollar bills and/or coins other than through video production?