Technology Integration and Art

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Technology Integration and Art von Mind Map: Technology Integration and Art

1. Accessing art examples for class use where teachers can create websites to show different art techniques

1.1. Teachers can create websites to show different art techniques

2. Using teaching examples and materials by using slide lectures that are easy and allow random access to art illustrations. Also, teachers can create websites to show different art techniques

2.1. Teachers can create websites to show different art techniques

3. Producing and manipulating digitized images by creating high quality art, easy, scan objects to use

3.1. Create high quality art, easy, scan objects to use

4. Supports graphic design by making techniques compatible with software, offers many forms of artistic expression

4.1. Makes techniques compatible with software, offers many forms of artistic expression

5. Supports students to publish their work

6. Virtual field trips to museums allow students to see models of artwork and information from other parts of the world

7. Create movies to show works of entertainment as an art form

8. Share feedback on classmates work