The effect of globalization in Argentina

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The effect of globalization in Argentina von Mind Map: The effect of globalization in Argentina

1. Music dance

1.1. Tango

1.1.1. "Intangible cultural heritage of humanity"

1.1.2. Potential of the tourism.

1.1.3. Although the different dances and music styles Argentina defends tango as cultural heritage with festivals.

2. Football

2.1. Managers styles

2.2. Globalization (7-11) different Argentina (10)

2.3. Team's supports

2.4. Globalization: People sitting, football as an art, money as teams support.

2.5. Argentina: Pasionate sport, football as a war, fans as teams support.

3. Gastronomy

3.1. Most representative dishes and liquor

3.1.1. Asado and meat

3.1.2. Wine

3.1.3. Dulce de leche

3.2. Globalization tries to modify the quality of this food by the wrong production but Argentina holds the traditional quality and makes a difference

3.2.1. Define actions as necessary