How does the Broadway show, Hamilton affect American Culture?

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How does the Broadway show, Hamilton affect American Culture? von Mind Map: How does the Broadway show, Hamilton affect American Culture?

1. Four Ways Hamilton is Turning Broadway on its Head

2. New York Times: 'Hamilton' Producers Will Change Job Posting, but not Commitment to Diverse Casting

3. NPR: Song from Broadway Musical Hamilton Celebrates Founding Mothers

4. BBC: Hit musical Hamilton visits the White House

5. New York TImes Article: After the Broadway show, A trip to Hamilton's Grave.

6. Bloomberg Politics: 'Hamilton' Comes to White House as Obama Enjoys Perks of Power

7. All in all, to answer the question above, there are many ways that the Broadway show, Hamilton, affects American culture. Such as appealing to many different classes and cultures all over the United States. Plus the moral of the Broadway show of "an immigrant trying to fit into a nation of immigrants." Lastly, it interests a lot of Americans to look into the United States history, and to respect one of its founding fathers.

8. YouTube: "Hamilton": A Founding Father Takes to the Stage