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Who am I? von Mind Map: Who am I?

1. Sister/daughter/friend

1.1. Make an effort to stay in touch

1.2. Be a good listener!!

1.3. Always make people feel that they are valued

1.4. Be open and honest and seek wise advice

2. Myself

2.1. Maintain fitness and make healthy living choices

2.2. Make time for solitude: energize through time alone

2.3. Spend time engaged in hobbies, exercise creativity

2.4. Remain inquisitive, never stop studying new concepts

3. Christian

3.1. Serve others, do not put myself first

3.2. Forgive others, do not hold grudges

3.3. Love God, seek his guidance in life direction

3.4. Be honest and trustworthy

4. Wife

4.1. Consider husband's wants and needs when making decisions

4.2. Prioritize time with husband, enrich and grow relationship, have fun!

4.3. Maintain openness and positive communication

4.4. Be supportive and encouraging

5. Nurse

5.1. Always take every opportunity to learn new things

5.2. Help others; never stop being a team player

5.3. Take excellent care of patients

5.4. Improve the workplace in whatever way I can