social justice

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social justice von Mind Map: social justice

1. culture relevent pedegogy

2. culture of power

2.1. poverty of culture

2.2. classism

2.3. Dominant Group

3. classroom expectations

3.1. grouping

3.2. non- academic factors

4. Race

4.1. white privilege

4.2. Black

4.2.1. matter opportunity

5. Gender

5.1. sexual orientation

5.1.1. Heterosexual Privilege

6. Curriculum

6.1. Windows

6.2. Mirrons

6.3. Teacher/Teaching

6.3.1. How to teach

6.3.2. What

6.3.3. Challenges in action

6.4. Subtractive Schooling

6.4.1. Mexican

7. Teaching - race

7.1. Elementary aged kids

7.2. Making sence of race

7.2.1. To Response

7.3. Silencing

8. Gender in education

8.1. The responsibility of educator

9. Family Diversity

10. Teaching

10.1. Role of Caring

10.2. Responsibility

11. single story

11.1. culture

11.2. Butterfly

12. perspective

13. Identity

13.1. social classes

13.1.1. Higher

13.1.2. Middle

13.1.3. Lower

13.2. Dominant Group

13.2.1. White

13.2.2. Male

13.2.3. Native speaker