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Assessment von Mind Map: Assessment

1. Formative

1.1. Characteristics

1.1.1. Evidence of student learning

1.1.2. Participants involved feedback

1.1.3. Instruction Adjusstments

1.2. Assessments

1.2.1. Informal Observations

1.2.2. Spontaneous

1.2.3. Immediate feedback and instructional adjustments

1.3. Types

1.3.1. Structured exercises

1.3.2. PreTests

1.3.3. Homework

1.3.4. In class assignments

1.3.5. Quizzes and Unit Tests

1.3.6. Classroom response sysems

2. Summative

2.1. Types

2.1.1. Standardized Testing

2.1.2. Final Exams

2.1.3. Research Projects

3. Grading

3.1. Optional

3.2. Necessary

4. Opportunity to Improve Student Learning

4.1. High

4.2. Medium

4.3. Low

5. Interim/Benchmark

5.1. Assessments

5.1.1. Effective feedback

5.1.2. Engage students

5.1.3. Feedback about student work, not the student

5.2. Types

5.2.1. Goal-directed

5.2.2. Scaffolded

5.2.3. Self-Referenced

5.2.4. Standards-Referenced

5.2.5. Norms-Referenced