Colombian President's (Hegemony)

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Colombian President's (Hegemony) von Mind Map: Colombian President's (Hegemony)

1. José María Campo Serrano (1886-1887)

1.1. Bogota's electric lightning contract and potable water.

1.2. Railways of the Sabana and Magdalena.

2. Rafael Nuñez (1878-1888)

2.1. 1878-1888

2.1.1. "Regeneración o Catástrofe"

2.1.2. 1886 constitution reformed

2.1.3. "Carta Magna de Colombia"

2.1.4. "Banco Nacional de la Republica"

2.1.5. Concordat with the vatican.

2.1.6. Reelected

2.2. 1893

2.2.1. Reelected but died before taking power again.

2.3. National himno

3. Carlos Holguín Mallarino (1888-1982)

3.1. Emphasis on public works & modernization.

3.1.1. facilitated navigation of Magdalena, Cauca and Nechí.

3.1.2. built roads and dams "Military hospital" in Bogota "Teatro Colon"

3.1.3. Bogota's 1st telephone system Extended the electric lightning

3.2. Maintained peace

3.2.1. Created the national police (1892)

4. Miguel Antonio Caro (1892-1898)

4.1. Famous writer

4.2. nationalized liquor and

4.3. Restored the Tobacconist of Snuff

5. Jose Manuel Marroquin (1900-1904)

5.1. Separation of Panama

5.2. Country basically destroyed

5.3. Destituted Manuel Antonio Sanclemente

5.4. Founded “La Academia Colombiana de La Lengua.”

6. Manuel Antonio Sanclemente

6.1. Bad ruler

6.2. Carries the burden of the 1000 days war

6.3. destituted by Jose Manuel Marroquin

7. Rafael Reyes (1904 a 1909)

7.1. Long lasting peace

7.2. Industrialised the country

7.3. Maintained order

7.4. closed the congress

7.5. New departments

7.6. let US explote our natural resources

7.7. Constructed railroads

7.8. Supported Magdalena navigation

8. Jorge Holguín Mallarino (1909)

9. Ramón González Valencia (1909- 1910)

9.1. Abolished death penalty

9.2. Presidents

9.2.1. 4 years

9.2.2. elected directly by the people not congress

9.2.3. no reelection

9.3. Formed a cabinet with liberals and conservatives

9.4. created

9.4.1. Norte de Santander

9.4.2. Atlantico

10. Jose Vicente Concha( 1914-1918)

10.1. neutral during WWI

10.2. rationalize the public spending to the maximum

10.3. coffe exportations 50%

10.4. Suarez-Muñoz Vernaza treaty

11. Marco Fidel Suárez (1918 a 1921)

11.1. Created the income tax

11.2. Economical crisis

11.2.1. dollar up multiple revolts and protests

11.2.2. coffee down

11.3. 1st aerial transport in latin america

12. Jorge Holguín Mallarino (1921-1922)

12.1. Focused on the railways.

13. Pedro Nel Ospina Vazquez( 1922 a 1926)

13.1. modernize and industrialize the country,

13.2. increamented coffee crops and aerial transport

13.3. petrolium explosion

14. Miguel Abadía Mendez (1926 a 1930)

14.1. stability

14.2. regained the trust ofexternal investors