Inquiry question #5 How does the influence of others affect our own lives?

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Inquiry question #5 How does the influence of others affect our own lives? von Mind Map: Inquiry question #5 How does the influence of others affect our own lives?

1. Quote from Brent

1.1. Pg. 132 "It struck him now that the crash wasn't only something that he'd done to her. When they'd met, he was longing to be swallowed up by the darkness. She'd set him into motion, motion that he was now transferring to others.

1.1.1. Relevance: Brent had thought that he was the one affecting Lea’s life, but Brent was the one that was being continuously affected. Even a move you think is not going to affect anyone, it may turn out to affect someone, even yourself in the end.

1.1.2. Connections 1) Text to world - A death that happens in the world can affect everybody that hears about it. They may change the way they think about life and about how to be safe on the road because they don't want to be involved in an accident like that. 2) Text to text - In Harry Potter, when Harry's parents died, it had affected his life forever in a way he would find out later. Because of his parents dying, his whole life turned around.

2. Quote from Alternate chapter

2.1. Pg. 32 "Sometimes Alexandra helps. We're careful about what we say while we're there. Despite which, I had no hesitation in announcing that when I discover a new species, out of gratitude I'll give her name."

2.1.1. Relevance: Alexandra had affected Steph's life because she keeps going back to the whirligig to keep it maintained and to pay respect. Alexandra didn't think that Steph would accept the whirligig in the way that she did, and Steph is grateful for it.

2.1.2. Connections 1) Text to world - Acts of kindness can be seen around the world when many people are affected and they pass on the favour. The person who makes the time to give an act of kindness may not see the end result, but it could travel all the way across the world. 2) Text to self - In my life, my friends affect me all the time and they might not even know it or think too much of it at a time. A nice text to me can cheer me up for a day and I may affect someone else who will pass on the favour.