Elizabeth (Liz) Hall

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Elizabeth (Liz) Hall von Mind Map: Elizabeth (Liz) Hall

1. Personality

1.1. funny

1.2. easily annoyed

1.3. sweet

1.4. reasonable

1.4.1. logic

2. Emily Hughes

3. Alyss Harte

3.1. Fights for the opposite effect of death

4. Janice Ankton

4.1. Unwillingly takes her feelings out on those around her

4.1.1. People call her rude even though she tried hard to prevent this

4.2. Easily annoyed and confused

5. Audrey Whitticomb

5.1. Fights for the opposite effect of death

5.2. Witty but definitely hates Shakespeare

6. Likes/Dislikes

6.1. Dislikes

6.1.1. Shakespeare

6.1.2. Death

6.2. Likes and Misses

6.2.1. Science

6.2.2. Old Life, Family, friends

7. Hadley Sullivan

7.1. Misses old life: family --her father has divorced with her mom