The Causes of the American Civil War

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The Causes of the American Civil War von Mind Map: The Causes of the American Civil War

1. The North and South: Different Economies                             The North was run by industrialism and the South was run by agriculture

2. Political Parties Divide           1860                              Southern Democrats wanted the party to support slavery in the territories, but the Northern Democrats refused. This resulted in the party splitting with the North choosing Stephen Douglas as their candidate and the South choosing Vice President John Breckinridge of Kenntucky.       Some southerners hoped to heal the split. They formed the Constitutional Union Party and nominated John Bell of Tennesse.

3. The Lincoln and Douglas Debates.                           1858.                                  Lincoln opposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act. Senator Stephen Douglas was the author of the the Kansas-Nebraska Act. Lincoln who was chosen by the Republicans ran against Douglas for Senate. Then Lincoln challagened Douglas to a series if public debates, that got the attention of many.

4. John Brown Attacks Harper's Ferr.                                         1859                                         John Brown and his army of enslaved people attacked Harper's Ferry with the goal of sezing guns the army stored there.

5. South Carolina and the Southern States Secede                                               1860                                                 After Lincoln eletion, to many southerners, it seemed that the south no longer had a voice in the national government. They belived that the President and Congress were noe against their intrests-espesially slavery. South Carolina was the first southern stae to secede from the Union. When the news od Lincolns election reached the state

6. The Confederate States of America 1861                                           Leaders from the seven seceding states met in Montgomery, Alabma, to form a new mation that they called the Confederate States of America.

7. Crittenden Plan  Crittenden Compromise. The Crittenden proposal consisted of the following six amendments to the Constitution: Slavery would be prohibited in all territory of the United States "now held, or hereafter acquired," north of latitude 36 degrees 30 minutes.

8. "Blooding Kansas" the kansas-nebraska act left it to the white citizens to decide whether kansas was free or slaved state. when it was time to vote whether kansas was a free or enslaved state. after elections the violence was so intense it earned kansas the name "bleeding kansas".

9. Senator Charles Sumner Attacked: Senator Sumner was a leading abolitionist senator. in a speech, Sumner denounced the prosl;avery legislature in kansas. he later attacked southners foes singling out andrew butler. Butler was not present the day of the speech. days later, Butler's nephew marched to Sumners chamber, using a heavy cane, beat Sumners until he fell to the floor bloody and unconscious. Sumner never completely recovered.

10. The New Republican PartyAbraham Lincoln, the first Republican U.S. President (1861–1865). Founded in the Northern states in 1854 by anti-slavery activists, modernizers, ex-Whigs, and ex-Free Soilers, the Republican Party quickly became the principal opposition to the dominant Democratic Party and the briefly popular Know Nothing Party.

11. The Election of 1856: the republican party ran its first canidate for president. the partychose John C. Fremont. which was the army officer who helped california win independence during the mexican-american war. even though Democrat James Buchanan was elected, John C. Fremont won in 11 of the nations 16 free states.

12. Dred Scott v. Sanford Case: dred scott was a slave owned by a US army doctor. they both lived in a free state then they moved to missouri, a slaved state. he sued his owner because he had once lived in a free state so he tought he should be free. the court decided that he was not free because he was black and was not a citizen so he didnt have any rights.

13. Slave States and Free States by 1848                                             Vermont admitted as a free state in 1791 Kentucky admitted as a slave state in 1792 Tennessee as a slave state in 1796 Ohio as a free state in 1803 Louisiana as a slave state in 1812 Indiana as a free state in 1816 Mississippi as a slave state in 1817 Illinois as a free state in 1818 Alabama as a slave state in 1819 Maine as a free state in 1820 Missouri as a slave state in 1821 Arkansas as a slave state in 1836 Michigan as a free state in 1837 Florida as a slave state in 1845 Texas as a slave state in 1845 Iowa as a free state in 1846 Wisconsin as a free state in 1848 California as a free state in 1850

14. The Wilmot Proviso Represenative David Wilmot of Pennsylvania proposed that Congress ban slavery in all territory that might become part of the US as a result of the Mexican-American War. Passed in HoR but not in the Senate.

15. Free-Soil Party       An antislavery party. Form from antislavery Whigs and Democrats. It called for the territory gained in the Mexican-American War to be "free soil" a place where slavery was banned

16. Election of 1848         General Zachory Taylor won the elections he was part of the Whigs party and was also a hero from the Mexican-American War

17. The Compromise of 1850                      To please the North California was a free state and banned slave trade in the capital. Congress says they had no contoll over trade in slave states. To please the South you could vote to be a free or slave state when they request admission to the Union. Slave trade was outlawed in D.C. and southerners got a tough new fugitive slave law.

18. The Fugitive Slave Act                 Special gov officials can arrest anyone they thought was a runaway slave and they couldn't go to trail if they wasn't.

19. Uncle Tom's Cabin. uncle toms cabin was a book that Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote because she wanted to write something that will make the whole nation feel what an accursed thing slavery was.

20. The Kansas-Nebraska Act 1853 stephen douglas suggested forming two new territories. the kansas territory and the nebraska territory

21. The Election of 1860                             Lincoln won in every free state and Breckinridge in all the the slave-holding states except four. Although Lincoln only got 40% of the popular votes, he recived enough votes to win the election.