Schedules Plans Arrangements

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Schedules Plans Arrangements von Mind Map: Schedules Plans Arrangements

1. Plans

1.1. Planned Future

1.1.1. Using going to " I'm going to buy a new mouse tomorrow. "

1.1.2. Using Present Continous " Karlo is going to the LAN party next Saturday. "

1.2. Unplanned future

1.2.1. Using Will " She will do the rest of presentation. "

2. Schedules

2.1. Present Simple

2.1.1. " Mozilla Firefox 4 release in winter 2010. "

2.1.2. " Windows starts Automatic Updates every day at 3.00 "

3. Arrangements

3.1. Present Continuous

3.1.1. " We are overclocking Intel's new processor Core i7 980X tonight. "