laughter out of place

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laughter out of place von Mind Map: laughter out of place

1. chapter 3 color blind erotic democracies

1.1. race

1.1.1. relationships can be related to race

1.1.2. racism is not openly or plainly talked about racism is similar to rest of south and central Americas it is different when compared to the united states

1.1.3. no affirmative action based on race

1.1.4. living in Favela is an automatic class maker

1.1.5. traits that are considered "african" often shunned or taboo because they represent slavery

1.1.6. European men began mixing with native women in the 1800's low in come mixed and black women are at the bottom of social classes conversations about racism are still lined with jokes

1.2. getting out of poverty through marriage

1.2.1. marrying into higher social classes

1.2.2. racialized standards of beauty

1.2.3. coroas

1.2.4. woman of color "offer" themselves to white men looking for a Coroa mixed people often become escorts

2. CH 4 No time for childhood

2.1. women's choice

2.1.1. Pablo told his girl if she had an abortion he would kill her

2.1.2. if a woman chooses to have sex she should be ready to face repercussions

2.2. criminal life

2.2.1. Crentes: religious converts try to save people from the life of crime

2.2.2. street children

2.3. "white" daughter

2.3.1. specifies race when not needed different race of kids get treated unequally

2.4. a good life

2.4.1. luxuries in materials

2.4.2. few social mobility cases

2.4.3. creates resentment between lower and higher classes

2.4.4. high unbalance means there is an absurd nature of poverty

2.5. lifestyle determines childhood

2.5.1. being nurtured sign of wealth,upper class or privileged

2.5.2. doing the nurturing sign of low class or poor: they take on responsinilites

3. CH 5  State Terror, Gangs, and Everyday Violence in Rio de Janeiro

3.1. insiders and outsiders

3.1.1. outsiders will "dirty"the community and population

3.2. drugs

3.2.1. scene as a privilage and luxury in the middle class

3.2.2. viewed as huge danger in lower class metido: involved endangering yourself and your family

3.3. opting for gang life

3.3.1. only means of social mobility and support

3.4. crime prevention

3.4.1. cops are easily bribed

3.4.2. gives an illusion that middle and upper class people arent involved in crime

3.4.3. For middle and upper classes, some semblance of laws exsist

3.5. middle class focused and obsessed with the thoughts of fear of crime

3.5.1. this "fear" perpetuates violence

3.6. violence more present in lower-class areas

3.6.1. visual representation of racially divided community

3.6.2. gangs are primary option for life

4. CH 7 whats so funny about rape

4.1. evening of terror

4.1.1. Gloria's family assaulted

4.1.2. laughter and rape

4.1.3. rape of a child is cause fot murder in ghettos

4.1.4. downplay trauma with humor

4.2. legal wolrd and rape

4.2.1. distrust and fear of the police rapes arent reported

4.2.2. difference bewteen upper and lower class in courts adjudication is difficult

4.2.3. anarchonistic legal codes in regards too class,race, and gender

4.3. Marila's failed attempts to murder her husband

4.3.1. abusive and unloyal/unfaithful

4.3.2. Celso neglected his young family

4.4. fighting moms and daughters

4.4.1. Anita is pregnant after rape

4.4.2. Gabriel her boyfriend inpreganted her Gloria insisted Anita abort the baby

4.4.3. when a daughter looses her virginity they must leave the house

4.4.4. Gloria's story of the raping gave her the ability to criticize teenage pregnancy daughters should get economic support from thier boyfriend or husband

4.5. dark humor as the only answer

4.5.1. humor is understood in the situaiton lower class have very few oportunites but an absurd laughter

4.6. concluding ideas

4.6.1. understanding humor can provide a different window impoverished women can deal with there lifes experiences

4.6.2. stories have a deeper contex

4.6.3. not all women are passsive to the harshness of thier scociety

5. introduction-hard laughter

5.1. humor is prevalent throughout

5.1.1. there is humor in all cultures

5.2. people who live in small ghettos are alienated

5.3. high dominance of class system

6. ch1-out of place

6.1. begining

6.1.1. student in training

6.2. the whole point isn't to describe why something is humorous ,but to see it in real time in relation to ones culture

6.3. big festival-carnival

7. chapter 2 the Aesthetics of Domination

7.1. letter

7.1.1. personal nature of personal mail

7.1.2. everyone knowing what was wrong was beneficial no clear cut personal boundaries

7.1.3. parent relationships Beth is uncomfortable that her child is finding independence Gloria wishes her child found independence children are stricken with poverty children are expected to find independence raising a child is just another responsibility

7.2. jobs

7.2.1. making money is more important than going to school

7.2.2. race and social class affect job oportunity

7.2.3. manual labor for little pay job option is usually house cleaner don't make enough to support family work mirrors slavery

7.2.4. middle class

7.3. humor(again)

7.3.1. making fun of derogatory names

7.3.2. telenovelas

8. CH 6 partial truths or the carnivalization of desire

8.1. homosexuality

8.1.1. upper class model vs lower class model upper: sexual identity is based on sexual object of choice lower: divided along the lines of both sexual and social gender roles homens:men bichas:worms

8.2. sexually defined by your role

8.2.1. sexuality as a consumption metaphore

8.2.2. active role or passive role

8.2.3. defined if you are active or passive  not what you consume

8.3. sexuality and poverty

8.3.1. used to control and victimize a marginalized population

8.3.2. somethings are made clear others are just left alone

8.4. Felicidad Eterna

8.4.1. Machismo neutralized and normalized this carnivalization of desire in largely, although not entirely, a masculinist vision of desire and transgression

8.4.2. no avenue to talk about sexuality poorly developed and or taboo

8.5. sexual joking

8.5.1. harmless social interaction

8.5.2. verbal conformation of the importance of sexuality in the culture

8.6. sexual positivity

8.6.1. somewhat of a partial truth

8.6.2. defines social interactions in rio highlights underlying values of the society

8.6.3. self-promoted sexual images