Social and Political Conflict in Canada

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Social and Political Conflict in Canada von Mind Map: Social and Political Conflict in Canada

1. Civil Rights Movement

1.1. In the 60's people protested and made groups that advocated for equal rights for coloured people

1.1.1. Caused a social conflict because people did not want coloured people to have equal rights

1.2. Viola Desmond - A woman who refused to sit in the segregated section of a theatre in Nova Scotia

1.3. An African city was destroyed in Halifax, Nova Scotia  - creating NSAACP

2. 1935 Election

2.1. Bennet is elected in the 1930 election but is failing the Canadian citizens ever since the election

2.2. King uses this as a way to win over the Canadian citizens in the 1935 election

2.2.1. Uses the slogan "King or Chaos" to amplify how many mistakes Bennett made

2.2.2. This causes political conflict between King and Bennett

3. Political Parties in the 30's

3.1. There were four new political parties developed in the 30's: the CCF, Social Credit, Union Nationale, and the Communist Party

3.2. All of these parties had contrasting ideas when it came to how they thought Canada should be run

3.2.1. This caused politcal conflict between all the political leaders

4. King-Byng Affair

4.1. King formed a coalition government  and Byng (governor general) said it was okay unless it fails than Meighen will be given a chance

4.2. The coalition fails and King gets mad and says that Byng should not get to decide that Meighen can now run

4.2.1. Political conflict between Meighen and King

4.3. Because of this King runs a platform of Canadians independence from Britain and their governor general

4.3.1. Political conflict between Britain and Canada

5. Hippy Counterculture

5.1. "Hip" people who looked for an alternative way of life

5.1.1. Caused social conflict because people disagreed with this way of life

5.2. Believed in freedom, peace, sharing and nature

5.3. Seperated themselves through fashion, way of life, music and the use of drugs

6. Separatist Movement

6.1. Some people in Quebec wanted to be separate from Canada

6.1.1. Caused social conflict between Quebec and the rest of Canada

6.2. "Vive le Quebec Libre!" was a common saying of Quebec's anti-federalist groups

6.3. Renè Levesque created the Parti Quebecios which pushed for separatism

7. Asbestos Strike

7.1. In Quebec town called Asbestos people wanted unions and the Rand Formula

7.1.1. Causing a strike and social conflict

7.2. The Premier chose the business owners side by selecting pro-business arbitrators so that when the people went on strike without arbitrators it would be illegal

7.3. Strike gets violent

8. Ford Strike

8.1. Business owners wanted to cut back on union rights but the people did not want that

8.1.1. Causing a strike and social conflict

8.2. People wanted the Rand Formula which states that unions had a right to collect dues and those workers who objected could donate their dues

8.3. The strike was long and difficult for the business owners and the workers

9. Prohibition

9.1. Wanting to make alcohol illegal - not being able to drink, sell or have alcohol

9.1.1. Because alcohol caused many social problems, petty crime and domestic violence

9.2. Started being considered during WW1

9.3. Many people were for prohibition but many were not causing social conflict between citizens

9.4. There was also political conflict because  political leaders had different views on prohibition even though it eventually got passed through

10. Conscription

10.1. Conscription is being thought about to supply the amount of soldiers needed to fight

10.2. It is split between the French and the English Canadians

10.2.1. French Canadians did not want conscription while English Canadians dd causing conflict between citizens

10.3. In WW2 conscription was again a major problem in Canada. Prime Minister King tried his best to make both sides happy and not end in a civil war

10.3.1. "Conscription if necessary, but not necessarily conscription" is a famous quote from King trying to make all of Canada happy

10.4. There was also political conflict because political leaders had different opinions about conscription. Some thought it was necessary others did not

11. Anti German Settlement

11.1. During World War 1 Canadians expressed ill-will towards German Canadians

11.1.1. Because of the social conflict between citizens

11.2. Imprisoned these "enemy aliens"

11.3. German Canadians had to assimilate to avoid this negativity causing tension between Canadians

12. Political

13. Social

14. New Woman's Movement

14.1. Women keep fighting for the right to equality

14.1.1. These all cause social conflict with people who do not believe that women  should be able to do the same things as men

14.2. Lavell Case - Woman fights to keep her Indian Status when she marries a non-native man - Ends up winning the case

14.3. Murdoch Case - Women wants to divorce her husband and receive half the land (which normally is not allowed) - ends up winning

15. First Nations and the Meech Lake Accord

15.1. First Nations people wanted to be able to vote and be included in federal government decisions

15.1.1. This caused political conflict because the government did not want to give them a say in decisions while still keeping their status

15.2. This came into play in the Meech Lake accord, a meeting discussing Canada's Constitution where the First Nations people were not included

15.3. Elijah Harper, a Aboriginal politician sought to that the Meech Lake accord would not go through because the first nations was not included

15.3.1. Caused social conflict because Aboriginals were seperating themselves from the rest of Canada but still trying to be included as Canadians

16. Quiet Revolution

16.1. Jean Lesage the Premier of Quebec wants to change things

16.1.1. His slogan "II faut que ca change!"

16.2. He decided to change education, moving away from the church and wanted a special status for Quebec (increase in separatist elements)

16.2.1. This caused social conflict because some people did not want this change for Quebec

16.3. Quebec people started calling themselves "Quebecios" and not "Canadiens"

16.3.1. This caused political conflict because other Canadians did not think Quebec should call themselves something different, it made Quebec separate

17. New Canadian Flag

17.1. Pearson wanted a new flag for Canada to represent a new independent Canada

17.2. Opposition came from Diefenbaker because he wanted to keep the British and French symbols

17.3. This caused political conflict between Pearson who was PM and Diefenbacker who is the leader of opposition

18. 1930's Jewish Refugess

18.1. Persecution of Jewish people identifies in Europe and countries are unwilling to accept them

18.2. Canada accepts the least amount of Jewish immigrants because the open-semite minister of immigration

18.2.1. This causes political conflict between the Wilson and him

18.3. Carine Wilson the first woman senator advocated for the acceptance of more refugees

19. FLQ Crisis

19.1. A group of extremists in Quebec wanting seperatism

19.1.1. Resulting in social conflict with the rest of Quebec and Canada

19.2. Committed bombings, kidnappings and other violent crimes

19.3. Caused the October crisis, by kidnapping two government workers James Cross and kidnapping and killing Pierre Laporte

20. Internment of Japanese Canadians

20.1. Canadian citizens of Japanese decent were put in camps because their were "enemy aliens"

20.1.1. Caused conflict between the different Canadian citizens

20.2. Government did not see any threat but the pubic outrage made them keep them in the camps

20.3. Sold all their property and seized all their assets

20.4. Forced some third generations Canadians to immigrate back to Japan

21. Flappers

21.1. Women who  did not follow the norm for women in the 1920's

21.1.1. Caused social conflict because people did not think women should look and do things like that

21.2. Wore their hair short, powdered their noses, wore bright clothes, and attended male events

21.3. Differ from parents generation greatly

22. Winnepeg General Strike

22.1. People joined unions because inflation in the economy

22.1.1. Caused social conflict because the business owners did not want unions

22.2. People in Winnipeg went on strike to get fair wages and better working conditions

22.3. Bloody Saturday - the strike turned violent involving the RCMP