Decrease Gun Violence

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Decrease Gun Violence von Mind Map: Decrease Gun Violence

1. Background checks

1.1. Mental health

1.1.1. Train SW's to identify those at risk

1.2. Monitor Sales

1.3. Felons

1.4. Undocumented workers

2. Politics

2.1. Bi-partisan issue

2.2. Fast and Furious

3. Gun culture

3.1. Self-protection

3.2. Hunting

3.3. Military

3.4. Illegal guns

3.5. Minimum age for long guns

4. No-fly list

4.1. No due-process

4.2. Dept Homeland Security

4.3. ICE

4.3.1. Undocumented migrants

5. Crime

5.1. Victim

5.1.1. "Gun Free" zones

5.2. Concealed Carry

5.3. Mass shootings

5.3.1. Terrorism

5.4. Poverty

6. Harsher laws for Illegal Possession

6.1. Overcrowded prisons

7. Change Law

7.1. Constitutional RIght

7.1.1. Spirit or letter of law?

7.2. Gun control

7.2.1. "assault weapons"

7.2.2. expensive ammunition low capacity clips

7.3. Lobbyists

7.4. Increase age for legal possession

7.5. Bi-partisan legislature

8. NRA

8.1. Lobbyists

9. Education

9.1. Fire arm training

9.2. Firearms in homes w/ children