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Me von Mind Map: Me

1. Personality Spectrum Assessment: - Organizer: 32 - Adventurer: 23 - Giver: 32 - Thinker: 29

2. BE Learning Styles: - Strong...Small Group More Preferred. You have a STRONG preference for working with a Small Group. You frequently are more productive completing tasks when you work with 3 or 4 people. - Strong...Evening You have a STRONG preference for dealing with complex tasks and assignments in the Evening. Because of this, the night shift may be your cup of tea.

3. Emotional Intelligence Assessment: You have slightly above average EQ – with room to grow! You are likely sensitive to the emotional climate of the people around you when you and they – peers, friends, family and key clients – are under pressure. You are aware of the effect your behavior has on others. While you may be adept at tuning into others and their needs – you must remember your own. Don’t be afraid to honestly communicate these difficult needs and feelings.  This is one of the most important aspects of Emotional Intelligence: being able to skillfully air your grievances.

4. Preferred Study Strategies: - Listening to background music keeps me focused. - Flash cards. - Taking extensive notes. - Study with a partner. - Snack while studying to stay focused. -Bright Lighting.

5. Interests: - dance - medical studies - reading - hanging out with friends - swimming

6. Multiple Intelligence Assessment: - Bodily-Kinesthetic: 20 - Verbal-linguistic: 21 - Visual-spatial: 7 - Logical-mathematical: 17 - Musical: 18 - Intrapersonal: 22 - Interpersonal: 24 - Naturalistic: 14

7. O*Net MyNextMove: - Realistic: 2 - Investigate: 20 - Artistic: 7 - Social: 36 - Enterprising: 17 - Conventional: 16

8. Successful Intelligence Assessment: - Analytical Thinking Skills: 38 - Creative Thinking Skills: 36 - Practical Thinking Skills: 47

9. Preferred Teaching Styles:  Hands on, interpersonal (I have to be face to face or in a classroom environment), Verbal-linguistic.