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SCRUM von Mind Map: SCRUM

1. Roles

1.1. Core

1.1.1. Product Owner

1.1.2. Scrum Master

1.1.3. Scrum Team

1.2. NonCore

1.2.1. Stakeholders

1.2.2. Vendors

2. Principles

2.1. Empirical Process Control

2.2. Self Organization

2.3. Collaboration

2.4. Priorization

2.5. Timeboxing

2.6. Iterative Development

3. Phases & Processes

3.1. Initiate

3.1.1. Create Project Vision

3.1.2. Identify Scrum Master & Stakeholders

3.1.3. Form Scrum Team

3.1.4. Develop Epics

3.1.5. Create Priorized Product Backlog

3.1.6. Conduct Release Planning

3.2. Plan & Estimate

3.2.1. Create User Stories

3.2.2. Approve, Estimate and Commit User Stories

3.2.3. Create Tasks

3.2.4. Estimate Tasks

3.2.5. Create Sprint Backlog

3.3. Implement

3.3.1. Create Deliverables

3.3.2. Conduct Daily Standup

3.3.3. Groom Prioritized Product Backlog

3.4. Review & Retrospective

3.4.1. Convense Scrum of Scrum

3.4.2. Demostrate and Validate Sprint

3.4.3. Retrospect Sprint

3.5. Release

3.5.1. Ship Deliverables

3.5.2. Retrospect Project

4. Artifacts

4.1. Product Vision

4.2. Prioritized Product Backlog

4.3. Sprint Goal

4.4. Sprint Backlog

4.5. Impediment Backlog

4.6. Product Increment