Sports Massage Therapist

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Sports Massage Therapist von Mind Map: Sports Massage Therapist

1. What type of salary and benefits do you receive?

1.1. Different Salary Statistics

1.1.1. A source that lists salaries

1.2. Any Incentives

1.2.1. A source that has different bonuses that come along with the job

2. Where can you work?

2.1. Locations

2.1.1. A source that provides job listings

2.2. Different Types Of Jobs Associated

2.2.1. Source that provides job listings

3. Are there any dangers associated it with this job?

3.1. Possible Dangers

3.1.1. Source that shows what could possibly happen on the job

3.2. Precautions

3.2.1. A source that lists what you need to avoid/do to not get injured

4. What qualifications are needed?

4.1. Schooling Requirements

4.1.1. Source that lists state/county requirements

4.2. Prior Work Experience

4.2.1. A source showing the job requirements