Mobile Apps for the Classroom

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Mobile Apps for the Classroom von Mind Map: Mobile Apps for the Classroom

1. References

1.1. Combo dictionary/thesaurus is an excellent resource!

1.2. WolframAlpha: Gobs of  information about all subjects packed into one application.

1.3. Common Core Standards: Easy fast way for teachers, parents, students, and administrators to have the state standards at thier fingertips!

1.4. Chegg: Learning tool for teachers and students. There is help with homework and college books.

2. For the Classroom

2.1. Ted: Videos about nearly all subjects. They are fun and entertaining for students.

2.2. Class Dojo: Communication app for teachers and parents to see how their child's behavior for the day is.

2.3. Socrative Student: Formative assessments in several  different forms.

2.4. Spelling City: App for  introducing new vocabulary and spelling words to students. There are tons of games and activities for students to utilize.

2.5. Twitter: Great means of communication between parents, students, and other professionals.

3. Organization

3.1. Evernote: Multimedia notes can be shared from device to device.

3.2. Dropbox: Transfers documents between different computers and smartphones.

3.3. Teacher Kit: App that helps teachers organize their classrooms and students.