Differentiated Assessment through Problem Solving

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Differentiated Assessment through Problem Solving von Mind Map: Differentiated Assessment through Problem Solving

1. Connect to all subjects

1.1. problem solving is the primary objective of the Ontario Math program

1.2. 4 step problem solving strategy can be applied to many different subjects

1.3. problem solving is an everyday skill that can be used in a variety of ways

2. Honour the cognitive ability of all students

2.1. allows for a variety of answers

2.2. no one way to come to an answer

2.3. allows for a range of emotions when solving the question

3. Differentiated assessment startegies

3.1. there is no one way to arrive at an aswer

3.2. answers can be presented in a variety of ways (gives students an opportunity to explore their thinking)

3.3. tasks can be leveled so different students receive different tasks but the expectation is still the same

3.4. can evaluate a variety of strategies at once; understanding of concepts, ability to solve problems, ability to apply concepts and procedures, and ability to communicate ideas;

4. Apply Universal Design Model

4.1. The concepts of learning (recognition, skills & strategies, caring & prioritizing) are addressed with a problem solving question

4.2. allows for diverse learners to answer questions however they see fit

4.3. problem solving allows for multiple means of engagement (individual/ pair/ group work)

4.4. allows for engaging and interesting questions