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1. Characteristics

1.1. Simple, consistent and long term goals

1.1.1. On his return to professional cycling in 1998, Lance Armstrong committed to a single goal: winning the Tour de France.

1.2. Understanding of the competitive environment

1.2.1. Giap understood his enemy and the battlefield conditions where he would engage them.

1.3. Objective appraisal of resources

1.3.1. Madonna exploited her abilities to develop and project her image, to self-promote and to exploit emerging trends while avoiding being judged simply as a rock singer or an actress.

1.4. Effective implementation

1.4.1. They were effectiveness as leaders and committed among their subordinates.

2. Has to be Consistent with external and internal environment

2.1. Only internal resources and capabilites

2.1.1. Fail Nintendo General Motors

3. Military and Business Strategy

3.1. They are important

3.2. They involve a significant commitment of resources

3.3. They are not easily reversible

4. "Competition" as the central characteristic of business

4.1. Strategic Management

5. Michael Porter

5.1. Competitive strategy is about being different

6. What is Strategy?

6.1. Strategy is the means by which individuals or organizations achieve their objectives

7. Business environment unstable & unpredictable

7.1. Quest of succes

7.2. Guidelines implementation

7.3. LEGO rules

7.3.1. Does the product have the Lego look?

7.3.2. Will children learn while having fun?

7.3.3. Does it stimulate creativity?

8. .

8.1. Defines the scope of the firm in terms of the industries and markets in which it competes

8.1.1. Management team

8.1.2. Corporate strategy staff

9. .

9.1. Is concerned with how the firm competes within a particular industry or market

9.1.1. Divisional management

10. Company´s Strategy

10.1. location

10.1.1. Heads of the chief executive and senior managers

10.1.2. In their articulations of strategy in speeches and written documents

10.1.3. In the decisions through which strategy is enacted

11. Strategy as a Target

11.1. The firm will compete now but also with what the firm will become in the future

12. Systematic analysis is a vital input into the strategy process