undefined articles

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undefined articles von Mind Map: undefined articles

1. definitions or rules for using the indefinite article

1.1. As you can tell indefinite articles a and an mean the same , they are only used for different names or nouns

1.2. The article is used to names or nouns that begin with consonants ie letters of the alphabet without their vowels.

1.3. An article is used to names or nouns beginning with a vowel.

1.4. The indefinite articles are male (one , one ) or female ( one each )

1.5. The indefinite article is used to refer to something undefined or not specific

1.6. The omission of the indefinite article occurs in the following

1.7. After the verb to be when talking about nationality, profession, trade or unmodified religio

2. 1. CLASS MEMBERS . We use a / an with a name or noun to talk about a member of a class as we are referring to a defined person

2.1. For example: My uncle is an engineer Mi tío es un ingeniero

3. 2. To describe . We use a / an when we describe people or things is where we feature or profession that a person is playing

3.1. For example: She is a doctor Ella es una Doctora

4. 3. NOT USED A / AN. We do not use a / an with names or nouns that are written in plural or are countless , because a / an means "one " so when we are talking about is one thing where this rule can be used no more than one.

4.1. For example: My grand parents are teachers (not...a teachers) Mis abuelos son maestros

5. La existencia de dos partículas para un mismo artículo indefinido tiene un porqué. La partícula a se utiliza delante de consonantes, y de vocales que se pronuncian como un diptongo.

6. The article is the word that accompanies the noun and always goes before him . It is the word that always works as a determinant of the noun or identifier , that is, indicates whether the noun is known or not, and indicates the gender ( male or female ) and number of the noun (singular or plural). Abrir en Google Traductor