Abortion: Should it be legal or illegal?

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Abortion: Should it be legal or illegal? von Mind Map: Abortion: Should it be legal or illegal?

1. Long-Term Effects

1.1. Thinking about how you have killed a baby and thinking about that for the rest of your life.

1.2. Increased infertility, miscarriages, ectopic pregnancy, and placenta previa.

1.3. Can cause breast, cervical, and ovarian cancer.

2. Laws

2.1. Abortion should be a crime.

2.1.1. With a new president coming in, maybe he/she will make it a law.

2.2. You are literally murdering a baby that is developing inside of you.

2.3. You should not even have the option to abort a baby. If you are mature enough to have sex, then you are mature enough to raise a baby. Even if it is at a young age.

3. Positive effects at a young age

3.1. Prevents you from having a baby at a young age.

3.2. Doesn't completely ruin your life.

3.3. Saves you a ton of money. Paying for an abortion is much much more cheaper than raising a baby at a young age.

4. Short-Term Effects

4.1. Excessive bleeding, abdominal swelling, pelvic infection.

4.2. Sometimes the abortion is incomplete.

4.3. Can cause uterine perforation, cervical tears, and extreme cases, death.

5. Who to interview?

5.1. I should interview someone who is already in the medical field.

5.2. Stephani Harris- Nurse

6. Negative effects at a young age

6.1. Messing up the teenage girl's body.

6.2. Very very expensive.

6.3. Having the thought process of you as a teen killing a living organism inside of you.