The Makeup Industry

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The Makeup Industry von Mind Map: The Makeup Industry

1. The profit difference

1.1. Elf cosmetics VS MAC

1.1.1. Elf sells their products under $10 and you cannot buy one thing from MAC under $10

1.2. High end VS drug store products

2. Difference in brands

2.1. Price

2.1.1. Does the price hinder the way the products quality?

2.2. Ingredients

2.3. Store

2.3.1. Is there a difference between drug store, beauty store, and online products? If so, how does it affect the brand, profit, and advertising?

2.4. Advertisement

3. The way brands see skin tones

3.1. Do you think this helps equality of all skin tones or just makes it worse by making them?

3.2. is there discrimination against brands that do not have different skin tones?

3.3. Do you think this is why many different skin tone individuals have issues with their skin tone?

4. Cruelty Free products

4.1. There is around 75 cruelty free brands

4.1.1. Many brands that are cruelty free are vegan products

4.2. Is it better to purchase cruelty free makeup to better our environment and promote to end animal cruelty?

4.3. Does makeup artist prefer cruelty free or non cruelty free products?

5. Non cruelty free products

5.1. Is MAC not becoming cruelty free because in order to ship to China it has to be animal tested before shipment?

5.2. There is over 100 products that still test on animals

6. The import and export of ingredients

6.1. China has to animal test in order to send or receive any product that involves the makeup

6.2. Many companies only sell to the US and Europe