HCI 311- Philosopher Comparison

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HCI 311- Philosopher Comparison von Mind Map: HCI 311- Philosopher Comparison

1. Aristotle

1.1. Philosopher that studied in many subjects and contributed in the physical science and was known for his deductive reasoning. In medicine he believed in The Four Basic Qualities:  Hot, Cold, Wet and Dry. In health care Aristotle believed in the "right" of healthcare.

2. Comparison

2.1. They were both influenced by Socrates. They both have similar ideas about healthcare, just slight differences pertaining about human rights and insurances. They both laid the foundation for western philosophies. In general though, Plato expressed the importance of an individuals self where as Aristotle thought more politically. Because Aristotle was Plato's student, their ideas are very similar just slightly different.

3. Plato

3.1. Philosopher that studied and contributed to Western philosophy and physical science as well. He also believed in inductive reasoning. As for healthcare, his ideas are nearly the same as the Affordable Care Act.