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Clickable Paper von Mind Map: Clickable Paper

1. Market View

1.1. Image Recognition Tool

1.2. Free options available (QR Code)

1.3. It's a great tool but how to use it and how to sell it?

2. Possibilities

2.1. Product Recognition

2.2. Cross Media for Marketeers (USA)

2.3. Color Recognition

2.4. Project Marriage / Legítima

3. Strategy

3.1. Sell one-to-one picture

3.2. Sell as a monthly fee

3.3. Sell as a cross media tool with support and integrated with a DIY html tool

4. Challenges

4.1. Implementation Cost

4.2. Support

4.3. How to reach the target audience or how to make it easy for everyone use

4.4. App Instalation

4.5. App Localization (Portuguese version)

5. Prospects

5.1. More than 9.000 marketeers at US

5.2. Car's Launch Events at BR

5.3. As a Integration Tool with another Systems

5.4. Project "Marriage" - Legítima

5.4.1. Invitation+WebSite

5.4.2. Magazines for Photographers and Videomakers