An Analysts Toolkit

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An Analysts Toolkit von Mind Map: An Analysts Toolkit

1. Look at Common Errors in Selecting Techniques

1.1. Using College or Grad School tools rather then selecting best application.

1.2. Tool Rut- utilizing a tool that you know

1.3. Connivence shopping seeking evidence that is available rather then taking a step forward and searching for better or more evidence.

1.4. Time Constraints-avoiding techniques that re to time consuming but may be better fit for the case at hand.

2. One Project can have many techniques that will work!

2.1. Different techniques may provide missing pieces to your puzzle

2.2. Can be used to check accuracy and increase confidence

2.3. Use Delphi Method it can get you outside expert judgement ad compare internal analisys.

3. Have a set of CORE Techniques to decide from

3.1. Structured Brainstorming ( list of relevant variables,driving forces,or key players )

3.2. Cross Impact Matrix (helps aid the group to visualize and discuss relationships between variables,driving forces or players.

3.3. Key Assumptions (List and question the most important working assumptions)

3.4. Indicators (observable or potentially observable actions or events that are monitored to detect change over time.

3.5. Analysis of Competing Hypothesis (start with a full set of plausible hypothesis rather then the single most likely)

3.6. Pre-mortem Analysis and Structures Self-Critique (form of reframing which restates the question or problem from another perspective and enables one to see in a different way and have different answers.

4. Use habits of a "Master Thinker"

4.1. Key Assumptions- Expect your colleague to challenge your assumptions so you will challenge them yourself.

4.2. Alternative Explanations Develop a hypothesis to explain what has occurred based on available evidence and logic

4.3. Inconsistent Data -You must train your  brain to look for inconsistent data

4.4. Key Drivers - quickly identified to best explain what has occurred or will foretell what is about to happen

4.5. Context- Ask yourself.. What is the client really seeking? What do they want from me??