Five Step Action Plan for Promoting Social Inclusio, Understanding and Mutual Respect

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Five Step Action Plan for Promoting Social Inclusio, Understanding and Mutual Respect von Mind Map: Five Step Action Plan for Promoting Social Inclusio, Understanding and Mutual Respect

1. Step 3: Make Good Use of Students' Diversity

1.1. What?

1.2. When?

1.3. Where?

1.4. Why?

1.5. How?

1.6. Who?

1.7. Guelaguetza

1.8. Guelaguetza in Guadalajara

1.9. Hmong dance festival in Fresno.

2. STudents

2.1. Latino Students

2.2. Hmong Students

3. Step 4: Promote Friendships and Socializing

3.1. What?

3.2. When?

3.3. Where?

3.4. Why?

3.5. How?

3.6. Who?

4. Step 5: Develop a Specialized Curriculum

4.1. What?

4.2. When?

4.3. Where?

4.4. Why?

4.5. How?

4.6. Who?

5. Step 1: Make the Student as Comfortable as Possible in the New Setting

5.1. Who?

5.2. What?

5.3. When?

5.4. Where?

5.5. Why?

5.6. How?

6. Step 2: Include Parents

6.1. Who?

6.2. What?

6.3. When?

6.4. Where?

6.5. Why?

6.6. How?