Major Events of WWII

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Major Events of WWII von Mind Map: Major Events of WWII

1. Germany Invades Poland

1.1. Germany conquers Poland

1.2. France and Britain declare war on Germany

1.2.1. France falls in 1940

1.2.2. Britain remains undefeated

1.3. Nazis Overrun

1.3.1. Much of Europe

1.3.2. Much of North Africa

2. D-Day

2.1. U.S. invades France

2.1.1. made their way to germany

2.2. Russia attacks from the east

2.3. Germany surrenders

3. The Haulocaust

3.1. around 6 million Jews murdered

3.2. Nazis deems germans "racially superior"

3.2.1. targeted "inferior" groups

4. Battle of Midway

4.1. Turning point in the war

4.2. U.S. regains control of Pacific

4.2.1. Destroyed hundreds of Japanese aircrafts

5. Stalingrad

5.1. Germany invades Russia

5.1.1. kill many Russians

5.2. Incorrectly dressed German Solders

5.2.1. faced freezing tempuratures

5.3. Germany far from home

5.3.1. Russia attacks

5.3.2. many German casualties