7 Aspects of civilization

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7 Aspects of civilization von Mind Map: 7 Aspects of civilization

1. Arts and Education

1.1. Sumerians

1.1.1. Art is about supporting and exploring relationships between people and the gods.

1.1.2. Their art and architecture was made with different shapes colors and patterns.

1.1.3. Their favorite material to use was clay.

1.1.4. Some of their portraits are made of marble and others are cut in gray-black diorite.

1.2. Shang/Zhou

1.2.1. The Shang dynasty was 500 years ago in the Yellow River valley.

1.2.2. They made bronze sacrificial jars and cups.

1.2.3. artists began to use gold and silver inlays to decorate their patterns.

1.2.4. artists began to make the designs on the jars using stamps.

2. Geography and Agriculture

2.1. Sumerians

2.1.1. Surrounded by rivers on both sides

2.1.2. climate was dry forcing people to move to the rivers.

2.1.3. rivers moving out of place and flooding is what caused the area of Sumer to become fertile.

2.1.4. Depended on the rivers to survive.

2.2. Shang/Zhou

2.2.1. Flooding soon led to irrigation systems.

2.2.2. Huang He river was the heart of the Shang.

2.2.3. The river also caused the society and government to be strengthened.

2.2.4. Their cities became more modernized.

3. Social structure and family life

3.1. Sumerians

3.1.1. There are 4 social classes: nobles, commoners, clients, and slaves.

3.1.2. The nobles were ruling family, priest, warriors, and families who owned large area of land and were usually very wealthy.

3.1.3. The culture was male-dominated.

3.1.4. Sumerians loved music, which had an important part in religious and civic life.

3.2. Shang/Zhou

3.2.1. They had four social classes: the king and arisrocracy, the military, artisans, artisans and craftsmen,and peasants.

3.2.2. The aristocracy were the most respected social class and were responsible for governing smaller areas of the dynasty.

3.2.3. Women were obedience to the father before marriage. obedience to the husband after marriage, and obedience to the son after the death.

3.2.4. There are exceptions, though, to such rules and assumptions, there are always those who refuse to obey or to be virtous.

4. The social Structures of Shang/Zhou

5. One of the things that the Zhou traded.

6. Shang/Zhou sacrificial dagger

7. One of the things that Shang/Zhou made

8. Map of river civilization

9. Shang/Zhou map

10. Religion

10.1. Sumerians

10.1.1. The Sumerian's gods are human and have Human characteristics.

10.1.2. The god An, is the God of Haven, His wife is Nammu.

10.1.3. The Gods determines the human's fate.

10.1.4. Even though Gods perfer justce and mercy, the also created evil and misfortune.

10.2. Shang/Zhou

10.2.1. The kings saw the universe filled with real ghosts and spirits of good and evil, the religion was more abstract and transcendental.

10.2.2. Heavenly Spirits, Terrestrial Forces, and Human Ancestors were the three realms of deities.

10.2.3. People were able to overthrow the king , if he didn't satisfied the Gods and the people.

10.2.4. There are weather gods, sky gods, and a god that rules all the other gods.

11. Government and leaders

11.1. Sumerians

11.1.1. A government that was a combination of monarchy and democracy.

11.1.2. The kingdoms were organized into city-states.

11.1.3. The kings ruled each city-state for the gods.

11.1.4. Each city-state had a special building called Ziggurat at the center of it.

11.2. Shang/Zhou

11.2.1. The KIngs were sounded by a court, or a gathering of weathly nobles, who performed rituals to strengthen the kingdom.

11.2.2. The Kings appionts governers to rule distant parts of the kingdom.

11.2.3. Besides fighting outside of China, the army is responsiable for preventing rebellions.

11.2.4. They called farmers to work along side slaves to build buildings.

12. Science and Technology

12.1. Sumerians

12.1.1. They were the First formal astronomers.

12.1.2. They came up with dividing an hour into 60 minutes and a minute into 60 seconds.

12.1.3. They used tools and weapons for technology.

12.1.4. They invented military formations.

12.2. Shang/Zhou

12.2.1. They decorated metal and wooden objects with gold and silver.

12.2.2. They created copper coins which they used for trading.

12.2.3. They created city walls out of clay for protection.

12.2.4. They were the first to gather silk from silkworms by feeding them mulberry leaves.

13. Economy and Trade

13.1. Sumerians

13.1.1. jobs include pottery,stone cutters and metal smiths.

13.1.2. Pictographic writing was first used in about 3400 BC

13.1.3. houses were built with sun baked mud bricks

13.1.4. Cedar from lebonan was prized.

13.2. Shang/Zhou

13.2.1. Centered around agriculture.

13.2.2. Grew millet,wheat,rice and barley.

13.2.3. Too common to involve bronze.

13.2.4. Wine and grains were offered to the gods

14. One of the buildings for Sumerians

15. Sumerian place of worship

16. Sumerians weapons