Copy of Educational Technology

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Copy of Educational Technology von Mind Map: Copy of Educational Technology

1. This is very nice! GREAT start... -- Lee


3. Fear of Techology

3.1. Intrusion of Privacy

3.2. Dumbing down of society

3.3. Lazy mind

3.4. Inconvenient with lack of internet at home

3.5. Lack of authenticity

3.6. Afraid for the future of humanity

3.6.1. loss of human connections

3.6.2. lack of empathy for one another

3.6.3. ability to read and understand body language

3.6.4. ability for one to rely on the power of self introspection

4. Embrace Technology

4.1. Learning how to use technology in my future classroom

4.1.1. Blogging

4.1.2. VoiceThread

4.1.3. Concept mapping

4.1.4. Creating Web Pages

4.2. Learning how to connect with classmates

4.2.1. Blogging positive feed back Encouragement commiserating over fear of technology expressing understanding/confusion

4.2.2. Group projects VoiceThread Wiki Website

4.3. Learning how to connect with other educators

4.3.1. Twitter

4.3.2. Edutopia

4.3.3. ASD Website

4.4. Learning how to research and organize

4.4.1. Diigo

4.4.2. Creating Lesson Plans

4.4.3. Twitter

4.5. Connecting with students making learning fun and engaging

5. Effective Teacher