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1. What is photosynthesis?

1.1. Photosynthesis is the process of preparing food by plants. Trees and plants use photosynthesis to feed, grow and develop. For photosynthesis, plants need chlorophyll, which is a substance having green on the leaves. It is responsible for absorbing the right light for this process. In turn, chlorophyll is responsible for the characteristic green color of the plants

2. Origin of all plants

2.1. The appearance of plants on Earth occurred through a process of symbiogenesis between a protist and bacteria. Bacteria are prokaryotic organisms generally with small circular DNA without cell nucleus, or organelles where its single membrane is the cell membrane and are reproduced by binary fission (the cell grows and divides into two); They are microscopic without mobility or low mobility reproduce very quickly. Bacteria, we are interested in the group of cyanobacteria (also called "blue-green algae"), which are one of the bacterial groups in which photosynthesis occurs.


4. Here are some types of plants we see in forests or near our homes annual It is that complete their life cycle in one year. There are two types of plants: in summer and in winter. The first sprout in spring, summer ending cycle; last spring and in autumn, winter ending cycle. aromatic plant It is any species that has aromatic principles mainly used as a spice and medicinal plant. COMPASS PLANT It is one that at the tip of the leaves indicates the north-south orientation. This plant receives only the light of dawn and try to avoid midday heat stroke. CARNIVOROUS PLANT This plant catches small insects, this is thanks to a glandular system with enzymes that dissolve the body of the victim. HOUSEPLANT This type of plant is able to grow better in close quarters.

5. Plants are living things that produce their own food through photosynthesis. They capture solar energy through chlorophyll and convert carbon dioxide and water into sugars using as energy source.

6. What are the plants?

7. Parts of a plant:

7.1. Root: its function is fixed to the floor. Through her plants obtain nutrients from the soil. Stem: is the one that gives support to the plant; Some stems are thin and flexible, others, such as trees, are woody and hard. Leaf: is the structure where photosynthesis and respiration is performed. Flower: is the reproductive organ. The interior has all bodies needed to produce fruit and seed.

8. Plants have mechanisms that allow them to interact with the changes occurring in their environment and remain stable internally. Plants are living beings who receive environmental stimuli which develop and are able to react to these stimuli. Light, water, temperature, wind and gravity are external factors that affect the function relationship of plants, while hormones are an internal factor. Plants respond to stimuli they receive from the media with movements that can be temporary or permanent. Momentary movements are called Nastia and movements or permanent answers Tropismos. Nastia is a transient response of certain organs of a plant to a stimulus external and diffuseness.

9. How plants are related?

10. Why is it important chlorophyll for plants?

11. Chlorophyll is a green pigment found in most plants, which gives them their green color. Chlorophyll is part of the process of photosynthesis. Other people are reading History In the late 1700s, through experiments with European scientists, photosynthesis was discovered. Chlorophyll is an important part of photosynthesis. Importance Chlorophyll is a molecule considered a photoreceptor. Without chlorophyll plants could not produce their food. Process Chlorophyll pigments can absorb light and in combination with proteins convert energy into plant food. Benefits Through the process of photosynthesis, plants produce oxygen for us to breathe. considerations Without enough sunlight during the fall and winter, the leaves change color due to the loss of chlorophyll. Curious fact Chlorophyll is used in food preparation to create the green and is also beneficial to health because of its higher vitamin B12.