(Talbot) What are the attributes of a student-centered learning environment?

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(Talbot) What are the attributes of a student-centered learning environment? von Mind Map: (Talbot) What are the attributes of a student-centered learning environment?

1. Students

1.1. Student Choice

1.2. Student creation of assessments

1.3. multiple learning modalities

1.4. problem based learning/project based learning

1.5. Curiousity

1.6. Student paced

1.7. motivation

1.8. students are engaged in their learning

1.9. multiple learning modalities

1.10. how familiar with technology?

1.11. students can be successful in their learning

1.12. UDL

1.13. students take ownership in their learning

1.14. Student Centered Learning/Instruction

2. Technology

2.1. Student choice

2.2. collaborative

2.3. Web Quest

2.4. enhances

2.5. engages learning

3. Pedagogy

3.1. Multiple modalities

3.2. UDL

3.3. Varies for novelty

4. Content

4.1. Student choice

4.2. Compacting

4.3. critical knowldge

4.4. What drives the lesson

4.5. Menu Activities

4.6. Problem based

4.7. Meaningful

4.8. Differentiated

5. Teachers

5.1. Not in total control

5.2. facilitator

5.3. Teacher as Tech Support

5.4. models for students

5.5. differentiated

5.6. UDL

5.7. students engaged in their learning

5.8. Monitor Progress/Focus

5.9. teacher as a resource

5.10. students are accountable

6. 21st Century