Revolutionary War Heroes by Jarrian and Malachi and alexis

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Revolutionary War Heroes by Jarrian and Malachi and alexis von Mind Map: Revolutionary War Heroes by Jarrian and Malachi and alexis

1. Andrew Pickens

1.1. the nickname is WIZARD OWL

1.1.1. because he was honored and feared him

1.2. because he was honored and feared him

1.3. he was served in the cherokee war in 1761

1.4. he made a captain of militia in the field during the revolutionary war

2. Daniel Morgan

2.1. His nickname was the old wagoner

2.1.1. because he was doing all the work at his job

2.2. on the morning of january 1 he sent three soldiers out to fight in the war in french and indian war and they died in the war because the french lost

2.3. during the revolution he commanded that the troops to go fight in the revolution

3. His nickname- was Gamecock                     Part in war-The Militia Virginia in The French and indian War                                              Contribution to the war-Last surviving general in the American Revolution

4. Francis Marion

4.1. Nickname-"Swamp Fox"Because he was known for sneak attacks known as"Guerrilla warfare"                                                     took part in the war-Served in the French and Indian War                                                  Contribution tothe war-He was the MIlitary officer during the Revolutionary War

5. Thomas Sumpter